Last Updated: 2024-02-26

Privacy and Data Policy

We do not collect any personal information from users of this site. Your activity is not tracked, and only cookies necessary for the functioning of the site are used. Aggregated traffic and search query statistics, strictly limited to those related to server load and system performance, may be collected and utilized to improve the quality of the service. The data collected cannot be used to personally identify users.

This site uses YouTube embeds in privacy enhanced mode, which prevents watched videos from affecting your subsequent YouTube browsing experience. For further details you can consult the YouTube Help Center.

Additionally, some of the images used in this site are hosted on Imgur, which does use tracking cookies. For more information, refer to Imgur's Privacy Policy.

Local Storage Usage

This app utilizes your browser's Local Storage to store song data and playlist information. This means that your selected songs and created playlists will be saved within your browser for easy access during future visits to the site.


This web site is an unofficial fansite dedicated to enogu. We are not affiliated with enogu LLC nor with any management or production companies associated with enogu.

Terms of Use

  1. We do not claim ownership of any of the songs or content featured on this site.
  2. Users of this site are solely responsible for their usage of the content provided and must adhere to all relevant copyright laws and regulations.
  3. This site is intended for personal, non-commercial use only.
  4. We do not guarantee the correctness of the song data provided through this site.
  5. We reserve the right to modify or remove any content or features of this site at any time without prior notice.

Copyright Notice

All music and other content provided through this site are the property of their respective copyright holders, including but not limited to enogu and enogu LLC, as well as official collaborators. This fansite is created for the enjoyment of other fans and is not intended for any commercial purposes.


For questions, concerns or suggestions, please use this contact form (Google Forms). For urgent concerns, you can DM the site administrator on X: @mofumafura.
